This was a very cute and sweet story about love, family, loss and home. I started reading this book and I finished it in only a few hours. It’s the type of story that although a little rushed (a lot happens in only 187 pages) because the story is just so cute you want to know what happens between everyone. I think what I really liked about this book is, its not totally a romance book… is there romance in it? Yes of course! But this book is about SO much more then that. It is honestly about finding yourself, loving your family, and well… knowing that you can always go home. Although the ending wasn’t what I was expected… in fact it shocked me completely and made me very mad! I got over it once the story totally finished because I think I understood what the author was trying to get at… so although I was sad and upset and yea a little mad still, it was ok… everything happens for a reason right?Overall, if you are looking for a quick read this is a pretty good book to pick up, the only problem I had with it is that because it is such a short book, I felt that I was unable to really connect with all or any of the characters because there is just SO much that happens in such a short span of time.