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Canes of Divergence - Breeana Puttroff I know I say this every time I read a book in the Dusk Gate Chronicles but I freaking LOVE this series! I love all the characters, I love the world that the author Breeana Puttroff has created, and I love watching the journey that everyone takes.I actually consider this a bit of a spin off from the original Dusk Gate Chronicles as it focus's on Zander then on Quinn or William. I was TOTALLY OK with this! It was obvious throughout the 4 books that proceed Cains of Divergence that Zander had a story to tell, and I am so glad that Breeana was able to finally tell it.Zander is so cute, I liked getting into his head a little and understanding what he thought about the whole Quinn fiasco... he obviously had deep feelings for her, and although I never liked him dating Quinn... he just always seemed to be a bit of a misfit and I always hoped that he would finally realize that something was going on and discover Quinn's new world.As I said, this book does not really focus on Quinn and William... however everyone is extremely involved. I Still think William may be the sweetest character I have ever read, and Thomas is still in his (understandable) funk from his ordeal in a previous book. Lydia is honestly such an awesome friend and sister.I really want to say more... but I can't without totally giving everything away. I can however tell you that this book does NOT disappoint. It is just as well written as the previous books, and the story is able to draw you in and hold you captive until you are on the last page and in shock over what just happened... trust me its HUGE!If you are looking for a good YA Fantasy this is definitely a book I would recommend. It probably can read as a standalone because I think it is more a spin off then an actual 5th book in a series... however I would recommend reading the first books if you haven't already because, well... they are awesome!