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These Things About Us - Laura Beege This book was pretty freaking good! Seriously though, what is with all of these books being set in the UK? I am totally not complaining… But let me tell you, I REALLY want to visit all of these places I read about and the UK is just so damn far and expensive!Anyways! You don’t want to read about my travel ambitions sooo let’s talk about These Things About Us!I absolutely loved Tony right away! I knew there was a bigger story to her past, but when I found out what it was and how her life use to be… Compared to what it was now, I was totally blown away, I expected something but not THAT!! She is seriously such a strong character to have gone through what sh did, and regardless of her past she is seriously selfless.When Tony meets Trace, he is such an ass to her and I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to like him, boy was I wrong… He went from total douch to book boyfriend material! Trace is a perfect blend of all my book boyfriends, he is tough, but sweet, broken but healing, he is the ultimate bad boy that any bad boy lover such as myself can’t help but fall in love with.There are also a few side characters that totally surprised me which I totally loved, because really? Who wants to read a book that’s predictable?The author Laura Beege takes you on an adventure through London that is at times sad, but throughout it all makes it come alive with joy and happiness.The only thing that really upset me is that there was no HEA, and but the end of the book leaves so many possibilities and is totally open to any interpretation… So of course I gave Tony and Trace my own HEA in my head… But I am holding out hope for a true ending whether good or bad, their story is definitely not over!